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Scarlet Badis

The Scarlet Badis is a shy, small freshwater fish considered one of the more underrated species in the hobby. Its brilliant coloration and unique personality reminiscent of dwarf cichlids make the Scarlet Badis quite an interesting species to study. Given its very small size--this is the smallest known fish in the order Perciformes--this species is very suitable to nano style tanks and small planted aquaria. In a 5 or 10 gallon aquarium either a pair or one male with 2-3 females is recommended, and in larger well planted aquaria a group of males/females. The males will form small territories, and plants and pieces of bogwood should be placed so as to provide suitable territory boundaries.

The substrate may be fine gravel or sand, and floating plants should be present to shade the light. This fish remains close to the substrate. I have found that these fish do not seem nearly as difficult to keep as many claim it to be. Aggression seems minimal and feeding has been simple. This fish is well known to have a vastly different diet depending on the individual. There are reports by keepers of this fish will eat nothing but live food while others are able to use frozen and still others have had success with flake. Even if they accept flake it is highly recomended you continue feeding frozen.

Water conditions seem unimportant, as long as extremes are avoided. Keep the temperatures in the mid-70s Fahrenheit, and do regular partial water changes, and these fish will be happy. I hope this article will encourage you to at least think about dedicating an aquarium to a pair or small group of these tiny beauties. I can guarantee that you'll be glad you did.

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